Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wed 2/16

"Nasty Girls"

3 RFT:

50 Air squats
7 Muscle ups (sub 7 dips & 7 pullups)
10 Hang power clean @115lbs

Time of 13:45

Paleo krunch bar
Chicken dive-in
3 burgers with mustard and mayo
Beef stroganoff (paleo style)

1 comment:

  1. Hey B!!! Thanks for the words of encouragement:) I am going to go for it and see what happens. I love Rip's quote today. That was kind of what I decided...I'm sick of just being average when I can do some much more when I put my mind to it:) 4 weeks isn't a lot of time, but I'm pretty sure I can gain some good muscle between now and then. How's Merial doing? When is she due?
