Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday 8/19


Five rounds for time of:

115 lb. deadlift, 12 reps
115 lb. hang power clean, 9 reps
115 lb. push jerk, 6 reps

I'm not too sure what my time was today, I think it was about 20 minutes....I was so delerious after the WOD, I forgot to look at the board to get my time. I failed on the 5th round twice with the hang power cleans, once I lost my grip and the bar went flying and the other just didn't pull it up high enough to complete the rep. All in all, it was a good and difficult wod today. I must commend Sarah for killing this wod in 14 minutes as prescribed, very nice, very nice (Borat voice).

Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday 8/7

AMRAP 20 min:

Run 200 M
12 KBS (20 k)
9 Burpees
6 Pullups

4 rounds + 12 KBS

I made it back in today after taking a few days off to spend in Tampa with Mariel. We went to see Food, Inc. on Tuesday night at the movie theatre and I would highly recommend seeing it because it was really interesting (and frightening at the same time). It's no wonder why our society is getting unhealthier and fatter by the day. Anyway, I had a nice few days off and it was good to get in a classic wod today.